Monday, 20 February 2012

busy week!

Well to start the week off! we had a sick little possum who for Monday and Tuesday was not fun to be around...She got annoyed  and upset about almost everything done for her, and that it was not done properly.  The last week alanah has started screaming in the night hysterically but will not tell me what is wrong! I'm at my wits end trying to get her to say to me what is wrong or what hurts.  NOTHING...... She still has never told me and im guessing i need to use those motherly instincts, well im guessing 2 yr old molars coming up are giving her pain and nausea. She quietly took herself back to bed dressed and ready to go to shops at 9.30am, only thing wrong was it wasn't her bed she had made herself comfortable enough to fall asleep on!!!                       IT'S MUM N DAD'S .               So anyway we had a lazy Tuesday with a sick possum   on the couch all day barking her orders!                            
When i finally got to check inside her mouth she is cutting 2 back molars! So as soon as she felt she was fit enough for icy poles we all know where alanah was        " outside sitting on chair eating ice poles ''

Upside..... being stuck inside all day with a sick possum gave me ideas to move and start cleaning things.......Which in the end ended like this!
So all in all we didn't have a terrific start to the week.... But it got better, how could it not with a happy, smiling, '' i talk to much ''   little possum          Well my toes were very sore for a few days and now they are bruised....Not sure if ill loose the two toe nails but they are black now lol
The pots are going really well, im very surprised actually coz we have had some very hot days with not much of a cool night, but they have managed very good and ive given them plenty to drink......
               Darren even tried to cut the paver around the post but it was really tricky and right at the end it snapped!  A clean break in half so he still put it in anyway.............

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